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CCNA certifikati

Nakon svakog odslušanog semestra Cisco CCNA programa polaže se pripadajući završni ispit koji se sastoji od praktičnog i teorijskog dijela, nakon čega se stiče certifikat za navedenu oblast izdat od strane Cisco Academy programa. Svaki od četiri certifikata izdana od stane Cisco Academy programa predstavljaju dokaz da je kandidat uspješno završio taj dio programa Cisco akademije i na njima se navodi oblast koja  je odslušana i položena. Osim toga, Akademija cjeloživotnog učenja eMPIRICA uspješnim kandidatima izdaje i jedan svoj certifikat za kompletan program Cisco akademije.

Samim činom uspješnog završetka programa Cisco akademije kandidati treba da posjeduju sva potrebna znanja za polaganje ispita za sticanje Industrijskog Cisco CCNA certifikata.

Polaznici Cisco akademije VS eMPIRICA dobijaju jednokratan vaučer sa 50% popusta za izlazak na ovaj ispit.

Akademija cjeloživotnog učenja eMPIRICA je u postupku registracije Persons VUE testnog centra koji je jedini ovlašten od strane Cisco-a za testiranje i izdavanje ovog industrijskog certifikata, tako da će polaganje ovog i drugih sličnih ispita biti omogućeno u našim prostorijama u Brčko distriktu.

Why to Choose to Study at eMPIRICA

College of Computer Science and Business Communications eMPIRICA in Brcko District BiH offers truly unique study programmes in BiH and high quality access to educational process, which puts students' demands and needs in focus.

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Top 10

Ten reasons why to study at College of Computer Science and Business Communications eMPIRICA

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Dual Diploma-Transnational Study Programme

eMPIRICA College and Ljubljana School of Business received in September 2012 from the Slovenian Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education NAKVIS (www.nakvis.si) authorisation to conduct transnational Business Informatics studies and issue BIH-SLO diplomas.

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Price List- Tuition that Covers all Studies Expenses

Dear students, so as to make your studies more financially affordable, keeping a high level of quality we have devised a scholarship that covers all your expenses during the studies.

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Recognition of Exams and Industry Certificates

We believe that many of you partly received education at other higher education institutions. We recognise your every knowledge which is connected to out study programme.

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Certiport Testing Centre

In November 2012, College of Computer Science and Business Communications eMPIRICA became Certiport testing centre.

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Local Cisco Networking Academy VS eMPIRICA

Local Cisco Networking Academy eMPIRICA

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